From 25.10. to 2.11. 2019 was held Autumn School at Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) in Japan. It was attended by 7 students of master and Ph.D. study, mainly from the Department of Inorganic Technology, FCHT (UCT Prague), prof. Josef Krýsa and prof. Karel Bouzek. This autumn school was a continuation of the autumn school organized by UCT Prague in October 2018 in Prague.

The main topics of the meeting were lectures, where the Japanese colleagues introduced the history of Kyutech and also the results of research at the Department of Chemistry were presented (eg.: Organic-inorganic hybrids for biomedical application, Organic synthesis, Development of Photocatalysts, Colloidal liquid crystals of inorganic nanosheets). The program was enriched by excursions to various laboratories of the Department. The Autumn School also included visits to two Japanese factories (Toyota – Lexus, Toto), an environmental museum and sightseeing tours of Fukuoka Prefecture. At the end of the event was organised the “Symposium on Chemistry”, where 7 students from UCT Prague and 7 students from Kyutech presented the results of their research.

The autumn school was held in a very friendly spirit, the Japanese side prepared a very valuable professional and accompanying program, from which students and teachers took a large amount of experience. “Cooperation in the field of photocatalysis has been going on for a long time, but only now has we managed to start a very interesting form of student exchange, which is highly beneficial especially for students of both universities and there is mutual interest in further development,” says prof. Josef Krýsa. The autumn school is planned to continue in 2020 and will be hosted again by UCT Prague.




Prof. Josef Krýsa, Ph.D
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of Inorganic Technology
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
+420 220 444 112 josef.krysa@vscht.cz